Saturday, December 6, 2008

Life without mass media, or should I say I have no life without mass media. To start of I have to admit I forgot about the whole media limitations and I didn’t remember till midday “ha, ha, ha.” My day began with a pleasant 15-minute drive, yet this 15-minute drive wouldn’t have been as pleasant if I hadn’t of turned on the radio.

As the day continued I was so anxiously waiting to get my phone turned on since it had been disconnected the day before. Getting it turned back on was very media influenced on its own, they basically let a system know it was paid for and unlock my cell phone all threw a computer.

Soon after that I headed to school while listening to the radio on the way there, yet even if I had remembered that I wasn’t suppose to be listening to the radio I would have been forced to do so, because I was only a passenger and my brother wouldn’t have listened to me anyways. Once at school I headed to the computer lab “another form of media” to finish of my assignment, and because my teacher was nowhere to be found I had to e-mail my assignment, thank god for the Internet.

By this time I remembered the 48 hours I was suppose to be living without media, and I’m going to truly be honest but I partially took this serious. I guess because I had already messed up for half of the day I ignored the fact.

The rest of the afternoon I spent cleaning my living room, which I was able to get done because I wasn’t talking on the phone till the last portion of my cleaning. I would say that not turning on the television as soon as I got home from school had a big influence on why I decided to start cleaning.

One second…ok I’m back, sorry I was sending a text message.

I know this project is suppose to represent how much more active, and social we can be if were not always using media, but the truth is that are life’s are so greatly accustom to media that talking on the phone, text messaging, or event chatting on line are a step to our social behaviors. How else would you come in contact with your friends about going out, or meting somewhere? It is so much easier and convenient to dial a number and set up an agreement, rather then driving to their house and not finding them.

So latter that night I received a call from my best friend about going out for dinner. There were some uncertainties on what time we should go out, because I still had to finish cleaning and take a shower, but after many consecutive messages we were able to get that settled. After dinner we headed back home to watch a “THE STRANGERS”, and to remember the moment we took some pictures of each other.

I don’t know how my day would have been turned out if I had avoided mass media, but I do know it would have turned out much different. Obviously my life is greatly influenced by media; actually my whole day was sabotaged by it. I imagine that a day without media would have been much more quiet, and peaceful, but at the same time boring, and full of desperation.